XuP - Cart
XuP-Cart is a mobile robot dedicated to the autonomous transport of carts. The mobile robot docks, picks up, transports and deposits carts within your infrastructure.
In an industry, the XuP-Cart robot has the task of autonomously transporting carts between different areas. The operator fills one of the carts. When the cart is ready, the operator selects his destination from the touch interface available to him. The XuP-Cart then docks the cart to take it to the destination entered. Once at its destination, the mobile robot signals its arrival with a light and sound indicator and waits for an operator to unload the cart. Once the cart is empty, the operator releases the robot by an acknowledgment from the Human-Machine Interface on board the robot.
Your benefits
XuP-Cart ensures the automatic and autonomous routing of your carts within the confines of your building.
Improved working conditions
With XuP-Cart, musculoskeletal disorders are significantly reduced. The mobile robot relieves the employees of the transport of loads and energy-intensive movements. They can then focus on tasks with high added value.
Increased productivity
Intelligent and autonomous, XuP-Cart is able to operate 24/7 and thus optimizes your production (increase of Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE) and improves your competitiveness.
Smart logistics
Equipped with a collective intelligence, XuP-Cart works in collaboration with other mobile robots in the same environment. They automatically exchange information with each other on the environment and the status of current orders.