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Autonomous mobile robots: 4 good reasons to choose a turnkey solution

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A turnkey project allows a company to buy a complete, ready-to-use product from an assembly contractor. For example, an industrialist may need to acquire a fleet of turnkey mobile robots, i.e. ready to start production, instead of having to design it, equip it, ensure commissioning, recruiting and training staff, etc.

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Meanwhile wins the Very Small Business (VSB) of the Year trophy
Meanwhile remporte le trophée de TPE de l’année

Meanwhile wins the Very Small Business (VSB) of the Year trophy

Meanwhile, a specialist in autonomous and intelligent mobile robotics, won the VSB trophy of the year at the 17th edition of the Fête de l'Entreprise, organized by Le Progrès and the CPME du Rhône.

Continuer la lectureMeanwhile wins the Very Small Business (VSB) of the Year trophy
Lire la suite à propos de l’article Meanwhile remporte le trophée de TPE de l’année
Meanwhile remporte le trophée de TPE de l’année

Meanwhile remporte le trophée de TPE de l’année

La société Meanwhile, spécialiste de la robotique mobile autonome et intelligente, a remporté le trophée de TPE de l’année lors de la 17e édition de la Fête de l’Entreprise, organisée par Le Progrès et la CPME du Rhône.

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The different interlocutors on the mobile robotics market

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There is a rapid evolution of autonomous mobile robots (AMR), which are able to navigate and perform other functions autonomously. AMRs can consist of a mobile base, a mobile base with an embedded application module with a personalized user interface and sometimes a mobile base with an embedded robotic arm.

Continuer la lectureThe different interlocutors on the mobile robotics market

Meanwhile joins TechShare 2022, the training program for European companies considering an IPO

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Meanwhile today joins TechShare 2022, Euronext's pan-European pre-IPO training program. For the 7th year, Euronext is renewing its annual support program for growing European companies in the Tech sector that are considering an IPO.

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Meanwhile rejoint TechShare 2022, le programme de formation pour les sociétés européennes qui envisagent une entrée en bourse

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Meanwhile rejoint TechShare 2022, le programme pan-européen d’Euronext de formation pré-IPO. Pour la 7ème année, Euronext renouvelle son programme annuel d’accompagnement...

Continuer la lectureMeanwhile rejoint TechShare 2022, le programme de formation pour les sociétés européennes qui envisagent une entrée en bourse

Meanwhile joins the 1st Startup club of the Federation of Mechanical Industries (FMI)

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The challenge of this club is to connect startups selected by the FIM - Federation of Mechanical Industries. The goal? Help mechanics SMIs and ETIs to boost their search for innovative technological and digital solutions.

Continuer la lectureMeanwhile joins the 1st Startup club of the Federation of Mechanical Industries (FMI)