100 years after the invention of the “ robot ”, two robotics enthusiasts take us on a discovery of the astonishing adventure of robots, ranging from thinking about its future to the many challenges it raises.
This book invites reflection on robotics and its place in humanity, with the common conviction of the authors that it must be at the service of humans, and not the other way around.
Co-written by Sacha Stojanovic and Patrick Monassier, this augmented book is a special edition of which all profits will be donated to a foundation chosen by the authors. Because of their respective stories, the authors invite you to make your donation to the Fondation des Hospices Civils de Lyon.
The Hospices Civils de Lyon – HCL Foundation was created with the aim of accelerating the development of innovative actions, by promoting personalized care for each patient in hospitals.
Its mission is to collect donations in order to financially support actions that meet two objectives:
” In April 2008, my wife, then a pediatric emergency nurse, returned exhausted from a night’s work, believing that she had not given the necessary time to her patients. Absorbed by logistical problems, she was forced to be absent from her service too regularly, for too long ; senseless, she has lost her senses. My wife asks me to imagine a robotic system allowing healthcare personnel to refocus on their primary mission : care. About ten years later, Meanwhile was born. » – Sacha Stojanovic, Founding President of Meanwhile.
The autonomous mobile robotic solutions offered by Meanwhile are intended for the transport of goods through infrastructures. Their mission is to improve the working conditions of staff by allowing them to focus fully on their core business. This can be infrastructure such as factories, establishments open to the public, but also hospitals, laboratories, etc.
Today, it is natural for Meanwhile to sponsor this book, the first edition of which is dedicated to the Fondation des Hospices Civils de Lyon, in order to support healthcare establishments, in particular during this period of health crisis.
The book “100 years of robotics, and Humanity?” is offered, within the limits of available stocks, in return for a donation to the HCL Foundation.
Would you like to make a donation as part of this operation? Go to:https://fondation-hospices-civils-de-lyon.iraiser.eu/100-ans-de-robotique/~mon-don
Do you want to know more about robotics since its creation and humanoid robotics? Check out our article on the subject: https://meanwhile-france.com/robotique-humanoide-sommes-nous-en-train-de-perdre-notre-humanite/